Take the right medicine,
at the right time, every day.

Sachet Medicine Packs delivered to your door and designed for your life.

Get Started

Are you or a family member struggling to remember to take your medicines?

Wellworks Pharmacy can help!
Come and chat to one of our friendly pharmacists – we care about your health.

To find out more call us on 04 555 0070 or fill out the form below and one of our pharmacists will get in touch.

Start Now

Wellworks sachet packs are so convenient and easy to use with all your pills together for easy daily use. When going away for a few days you just break off the amount of days you need, it’s so simple and you don’t have to carry all your pill bottles. It is an excellent service.
Warren, 66.

How does it work?


We’ll organise your medication by date and time, and package them into sachets so you know exactly what’s in them and when to take them.


Your medication will be sent quickly to your door once a month (within Wellington and Hutt Valley). Alternatively, you can pick up from Wellworks Pharmacy Boulcott in Lower Hutt.

Auto Repeats

We’ll take care of any repeat prescriptions and automatically send you reminders .

Get Started

To find out more please fill out this form and one of our pharmacists will get in touch with you.